Country: Germany

official website Spotify

BLIND GUARDIAN, metal minesengers mixing fantasy narratives with metal music under the leadership of Hansi Kürsch, are one of the most key power metal bands and will bring their epic stories with complex musical compositions to Spálené Poříčí, thus pleasing all fans of this (not only musical) genre. 

These metal legends have told stories from twelve full-length albums in their nearly thirty-five-year career. The latest one, "The God Machine", was released in 2022 and shows how to awaken the fury of youth to a new magical life, and BLIND GUARDIAN are more in touch with the ghosts of their own past than ever on this album.

BLIND GUARDIAN was formed in the mid 80's in West Germany. Their music fuses fantasy power metal with the velocity and technical precision of speed metal.

Since their thrashy and raw debut "Battalions of Fear" (1988) they have become a institution in the power/heavy genre for their progressive methods, fantasy themes, neoclassical influences and great musicianship. Genre classics such as "Nightfall in the Middle-Earth" (1998), "A Night at the Opera" (2002) and "A Twist in the Myth" (2006), as well as the ambitious and all-orchestral double album "Legacy of the Dark Lands" (2019), have made their way into musical history.